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该剧改编自英国作家吉丽·库珀的同名畅销小说,拉特郡编年史系列第二本。 小说故事发生在虚构的上流社会拉特郡,德克兰·奥哈拉(艾丹·特纳 饰)加入了残酷的科里尼姆电视台。他是一个魅力四射的正直明星,有一个光芒四射的花瓶妻子莫德(维多利亚·斯莫菲特 饰)、一个英俊的儿子和两个迷人的十几岁的女儿。 住在山谷对面的鲁伯特·坎贝尔-布莱克(阿历克斯·哈塞尔 饰)是前奥运会选手、国会议员、臭名昭著的花花公子,曾离过婚,一如既往地放荡不羁,现在是保守党的体育部长。 他的邻居即是他长期以来的竞争对手托尼·巴丁汉姆(大卫·田纳特 饰),科里尼姆电视台的总经理,他的妻子莫妮卡(克莱尔·拉什布鲁克 饰)倒是对丈夫的工作毫无兴趣。托尼还有一个迷人的弟弟巴兹尔·巴斯·巴丁汉姆(卢克·帕斯夸尼诺饰),开了一家热门酒吧。 德克兰在电视台工作不久就意识到托尼聘用他只是为了帮助电视台保留特许经营权。不仅如此,漂亮但专横的卡梅伦·库克(娜菲萨·威廉姆斯 饰),这位才华横溢的美国电视高管,还被托尼带到科里尼姆,制作德克兰新的黄金时段脱口秀节目。德克兰和卡梅伦互相厌恶,引发了一场争论的风暴,鲁伯特以他一贯的方式投入其中。 另一边,弗雷迪·琼斯(丹尼·戴尔饰)是一个白手起家的电子产品百万富翁。他得到了钱,却发现自己和妻子瓦莱丽(丽莎·麦格里斯 饰)都是拉特希尔集团的局外人。 正处于中年危机的副首相保罗·斯特拉顿(鲁弗斯·琼斯 饰)的新婚妻子莎拉(艾米丽·阿塔克 饰)野心勃勃,不害怕利用自己的外表达到顶峰。 浪漫小说家莉齐·维克尔(凯瑟琳·帕金森 饰)则一直被她爱打扮、以自我为中心的电视主持人丈夫詹姆斯·维克尔(奥利弗·克里斯 饰)所忽视。 随着一个竞争对手的出现来为这部电影的专营权做宣传,名声的成熟和衰落,真爱的绽放和燃烧,婚姻的建立和破裂……在床上和会议室里,争夺科茨沃尔德王冠的比赛开始了。
Who really is Diabolik, the ruthless Italian comic book antihero? The final chapter of the Manetti Bros. adaptation sets out to find the answer. Taking a leap in time to the 1970s, a period of unrest marked by the Vallanzasca and Magliana gangs, student protests and street killings. The story begins with car chases and machine gun shots that leave innocent victims dead on the street. It’s not Diabolik pulling the trigger, as he has his own code of ‘professional’ ethics and only kills when necessary. Instead, it’s a gang of criminals responsible for the bloodshed, wreaking havoc in the city with gratuitous and unscrupulous violence. Captured by the gang, Diabolik and his nemesis, Inspector Ginko, find themselves locked in a cell with no way out.
劳拉(艾丽西亚·维坎德 Alicia Vikander 饰)的父亲一生都致力于研究古墓,在劳拉尚且年啦啦啦在线观看视频免费观看幼的时候,父亲在一场冒险之中失踪了。一晃眼多年过去,劳拉一直拒绝承认父亲已死的消息,也拒绝接手父亲手下的商业帝国。 一次偶然中,劳拉发现了父亲遗留下的冒险笔记,父亲希望劳拉能把这些资料付之一炬,但为了寻找父亲的下落,劳拉决定寻找笔记中记载的岛屿。劳拉找到了名为陆仁(吴彦祖 饰)的男子顾语涵,两人结伴踏上了旅途。刚一上岛,劳拉和陆仁就遇见了一直和父亲作对的马赛亚斯(沃特·戈金斯 Walton Goggins 饰)以及他的雇佣兵团队。马赛亚斯一心想要找到古墓的踪迹,不惜杀死了不肯透露半点消息的劳拉的父亲,如今,劳拉亦落入了他的魔爪之中,会遭遇怎样的命运呢?
20-something Aden has no other ambition in life than to become an actor. Most of his time is spent making videos as he applies for roles he’ll never get. After a string of dreadful auditions, where bizarre and humiliating requests are made of him, he comes up with a radical move: he will take full responsibility for finding a role that primarily he, himself, wants to play. This self-assured debut, playful in form and narrative with a fairy-tale edge to it, examines both the commercial work ethic and the concept of identity, which it presents as multilayered and also questionable. At the same time, in its exploration of the given themes, the film doesn’t deny itself a socio-critical tone, nor does it resist the temptation to tease the viewer a little.
In a time now lost in the mists of memory, the great King Arthur rules in the legendary citadel that is Camelot. His Knights of the Round Table perform acts of derring-do and spend their spare time jousting, much to the delight of the local citizens and especially to Princess Ilene, a guest at Camelot. Watching her from afar is a young, inexperienced squire called Valiant, and when the young Welsh princess is sent home to marry Prince Arn, Valiant contrives to accompany her masquerading as Sir Gawain. Meanwhile, the evil sorceress Morgan le Fey, sister to King Arthur, has convinced the tyrannical Sligon, ruler of the Viking kingdom of Thule, that he should steal Arthur's sword, the powerful and magical Excalibur, knowing that its loss could bring about Arthur's downfall. So into the fray comes Sligon's unstable and psychotic brother Thagnar, who manages to steal the sword. Pandemonium reigns. But Valiant is having problems of his own - kidnappers attempt to steal away the Princess, and after various skirmishes, including one with a mysterious character who lives in a cave and purloins treasure, women and other things of value, Valiant manages to return the Princess to her homeland - although he also manages to have a duel with the Princess' jealous fiancé, Prince Arn. All things converge as Valiant is finally informed of his heritage by the stranger from the cave... Boltar of Thule. He informs the lad that he is Prince Valiant, rightful heir to the kingdom of Thule, and with his help, Valiant returns to the land of his birth to rightfully claim what is his.
David Moreton
迪恩(大卫·萨克莱夫 David Sutcliffe 饰)是一位作家,一次偶然中,他遇见了一个名叫帕布罗(小安东尼奥·萨巴图 Antonio Sabato Jr. 饰)的英俊男子,两人看对上了眼,共同享受了一夜缠绵,之后,帕布罗不告而别。 迪恩发现自己深深地爱上了神秘的帕布罗,于是决定前往南美洲寻找他的爱人。可是,让迪恩没有想到的是,他并没有能够找到爱人,却找到了爱人的两个情人索菲亚(Celina Font 饰)和马克斯(Leonardo Brzezicki 饰),从两人处,迪恩得知了帕布罗其实是一个薄情寡义的混蛋。然而,即便如此,迪恩还是没办法放弃这段感情,而他不知道的是,在一来二去之间,马克斯竟然爱上了自己。