搜索"Wi" ,找到 2478部影视作品
Curtis Everitt,唐纳德·法默,Blair Kelly,James M. Myers,Melvin Pittman,Tim Ritter,Jerry Williams,Logan Winton
Anthology horror based on cats! Of Cats蜜芽国产在线精品欧美 and Men, The Catburglar, Nightmare at 100爱与罚00 Feet, Apocalypse Meow, C一起又看流星雨第二部osmic Catnado, Stormwindow & Crimes and Felines
William De Vital,William de Vital
World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fata暗夜恩情录lly dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search she ends up in Belarus to meet face to 免费中文字幕日产乱码face with the one, whom she has been searching for her entire life.
Dandhy Dwi Laksono Rahung Nasution
印度尼西亚每天使用 9300 万根一次性吸管。它们与其他塑料废物一起最终进入海洋,分解成微塑料,被海洋生物吃掉,最后出现在我们的盘子里供我们食用。这部纪录片改编自电影制片人在全国各地拍摄的一系列电影,向印度尼西亚人展示他们所面临的问题的严重性。巴厘岛歌手格德·罗比伪装学渣肉车超污 (Gede Robi)扫黑风暴28全集免费播放 将塑料污染问题作为他个人的奋斗目标。他与来自东爪哇的生物学家兼河流守卫普里吉·阿里桑迪 (Prigi Arisandi) 联手,抗议印度尼西亚进口废塑料。他们一起收集有关塑料污染程度的证据。他们会见专家、活动人士并进行研究(包括对他们自己的研究),以了解塑料对我们的环境和健康的影响。
Aor Wilawan
梅丽(婉娜拉·宋提查 Vill Wannarot Sonthichai 饰)是口含着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,天使看不过她的刁蛮任性,决定好好教一教梅丽做人的道理。她给梅丽提出了三个条件——与人为善、先人后己、找到真爱,如果不能够达成这三个条件,那么梅丽将永远变作一只青鸟。 一次偶然中,梅丽邂逅了死对头狄波(普提查·克瑟辛 Put Puttichai 高清录播系统直播饰),梅丽开始怀疑狄波觊觎着自己的家产,而狄波却在往后的时间里慢慢爱上了梅丽。在狄波的帮助下,梅丽隐藏了真实身份,潜伏在公司中成为了一位普通的实习生,失去了身份的光环,梅丽遇见了各种各样的困难和麻烦,她能够在信守诺言的同时将他人的刁难一一化解吗?
克里斯·雷纳德, 帕特里克·德拉吉
The first episodes were shot in 1922 and found an end in 1944. Totally there are 221 single episodes. A complete catalog of all episodes you will find at "All movies of Our Gang / The Little Rascals at a glance". A small picture gallery you can find under "Gallery". The little Rascals were called into live through the legendary producer Hal Roach (Roach also spotted the comedians Laurel & Hardy). The trigger for the combination of a child troupe was the exceptional big success of rascal Ernie "Sunshine Sammy" Morrison in comedies of Harold Lloyd and Snub Pollard. The composition of the troupe was checkered and represented typical children in the neighborhood. The original cast were Mary Kornman (the beautiful girl), Allen "Farina" Hoskins" (the naive negro), Mickey Daniels (the frstar 371eckled whipper-snapper), Joe Cobb (the pleasant fat person), Jackie Condon (the rich fellow), Ernie Morrison (the rascal) and last but not least Pete the pet with a painted circle around his right eye. The success of the rascals was based on the imitation of the world of the adult but at the same time they played a trick or shew a behavior which the adults wouldn't dare to do themselves. It is also astonishing that the children acted extremely natural in contrast to the child stars in the 30's with their pseudo adultness. The stories were made from simple pattern but affectionate. At this time didn't exist real scripts but rather there was a short outline of the main theme, gags and other ideas were developed only during the shot. The success of the serial wasn't due to a single person bu一生一世在线观看免费完整版t was the result of a exemplary teamwork. Each episode offered new adventures for the children. There is a trip to New York where happened the coincidence that the children are able to nabbing a bus, to play deadhead or to hover over the city with a piece of fabric as parachute replacement. In spite of their unusual behavior, the rascals never had to expect serious consequences because they tricked the adults with wit and phantasie. Perhaps the children took a sound thrashing after a successful adventure, but after that they show to the audience with a roguish expression that the preceded adventure was worth for this and that nothing could take away their go by experiences. When Hal Roach sold the serial to M-G-M in 1938, it rang in the decline of the serial. M-G-M wasn't able to maintaining the magic which the serial radiated before and was shut down in 1944. Since th第一会所账号en the serial experienced a resurrection time and again through broadcastings on TV. With this they erected a lasting monument to the little rascals.
Matt Winn
Sarah(Shirley Henderson饰)和Tom(Alan Tudyk饰)陷入了严重的财务困境。眼看就要失去一切,这对夫妇想办法为他们在伦敦的住宅找到了买家。当他们邀请最好的朋友Richard(Rufus Sewell饰)和Beth(67194在线入口免费Olivia Williams饰)来这座住宅共享最后一顿晚餐时,一位不请自来的老朋友Jessica(Indira Varma饰)也跟着来了。 在一场看似微不足道的争吵之后,Jessica在花园里上吊自杀了。Sarah意识到如果买家发现了这件事,就不会购买这座住宅,也就会导致自己的家庭破产。于是Sarah和Tom说服Richard和Beth一起把尸体无敌神马影院在线直播带到Jessica自己的公寓,造成Jessica在自己家里自杀的假象。然而,意想不到的事情发生了……